John Stanford International Elementary

John Stanford International
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Students First Campaign

JSIS Students First Campaign

Put Students First When You Donate Today!

As a parent, guardian, relative or friend of a John Stanford student, you recognize the critical role that early education and language immersion play in developing the next generation of global leaders. You embrace our mission and share in the vision of preparing our students to live, work, and thrive in a dynamic, multicultural world.

John Stanford’s dual immersion program is unmatched by even private schools in our region. Our students’ academic performance is among the best in the state. The additional support provided through the years by parents like you along with dedication of our teachers and the hard work of our students- fuels this incredible success.

Today, please put your passion for John Stanford International School into action by donating to support the extra staff who help our students get the very most from our dual language immersion program. Your support will allow our great school to continue to enhance the education of each and every student.

Donations to The Campaign will:

Support the hire of additional staff such as the Counselor, Instructional Assistants, Interns, and other learning specialists that are not covered by the districts budget. This additional support allows our student-to-teacher ratio to remain low and for our children to obtain more individualized attention and support. In addition, the campaign may also be used to support other identified educational needs or activities, such as the launch of the biliteracy program.

Our Goal:

Our goal is to have 100%  participation! Whether you give $10 or $10,000, every dollar helps to fully fund next year’s staffing plan.

Our suggested donation this year is $1000 per student.

Can’t give an on-time contribution before the end of the campaign? Not a problem, set up recurring payments. You may also choose to do this directly through your bank, refer to the “How to Donate” tab on how to do this.

Please donate today! Our kids are counting on you.

What is the Students First Campaign and where does the money go?

The Students First Campaign is our school’s largest fundraising effort, to support the extra staff who help our students get the very most from our dual language immersion program and to further enhance the education of each and every student at JSIS. Your gift of $1000 will fund:

  • Our beloved Instructional Assistants and Interns who due to the “enhanced” biliteracy program will work throughout ALL of our immersion classrooms.
  • A dedicated  Counselor,  providing our children with the social, emotional and behavioral guidance they need to thrive in and out of the classroom.
  • Biliteracy support , which will enable our teachers to continue the work we are focused on this year. Teachers will work together to plan and create an intentional, aligned, literacy curriculum in Japanese, Spanish and English.

What is this year’s goal and how was it determined?

The Students First Campaign goal equates to about $1000 per student.

JSIS staff meet yearly, usually after the receipt of the district’s budget, to identify and prioritize the needs of the school for the upcoming year. The JSIS staff presents the priorities to the BLT and PTA Board for approval. Once approved, the Students First Campaign Team begins the tactical work of getting the funds raised.

What happens if I am not able to gift the asked around in full before the end of the campaign?

Can’t give a one-time contribution before the end of the campaign? Not a problem look into our recurring giving options. You can schedule recurring payments using our page or directly through your bank. Additional information may be found on the donate page, the letter mailed or by contacting

Can I give more than the asked amount?

Absolutely! We recognize that there are families that will not be able to give the asked amount but we also recognize that there are other families that may be able to give a little more in support. This is what makes our school community so special, we are one big family in support of each other and most importantly interested in the well-being of our children and willing to do and give anything it takes to see them succeed.

What if we raise more than the asked amount, where will extra money go?

If funds are raised beyond our goal, then JSIS staff will provide recommendations on how best to put the surplus to good use. For example, this year the staff has identified the launch of the biliteracy program a priority. 

What happens if the established goal is not met?

If the established goal is not met, the JSIS Staff will assess the originally established priorities how to best use the funds received. Unfortunately, this may just mean that some of the positions dependent on this fund may need to be eliminated.

Don’t we have a surplus? Can’t we use this if we come in short?

At one point our school had a surplus but this is no longer the case. The past two-three years the campaign has come in short and last year the teachers received a well deserved raise. The surplus was used to address these needs. At this time we depend on the funds received by our community. This is what makes he success of this campaign even more important.

Is my donation tax-deductible?

JSIS PTA is a non-profit, 501 c3. You will receive a letter from the Network for Good or the PTA acknowledging your donation to the Students First Campaign listing the JSIS PTA Tax ID number 94-3084553. Please refer to your tax accountant for additional guidance.

How do I get a company match?

Company Matches are a HUGE deal for JSIS fundraisers! Each year, company match dollars account for thousands of extra dollars to fund our school. Microsoft, The Gates Foundation, Starbucks and Boeing are just a few of the many generous employers that offer matching funds.

If your employer offers a company match, please help us make your donation go farther by taking the time to apply for your company match.

If you have questions or need help with your company match, email us at and we can help you complete your match. When you match, be sure to specify that you are requesting a match to the John Stanford International School SFC or JSIS SFC.

I am the parent of a fifth grader, why should I donate?

Simply put- Pay it forward!

If your child has been at JSIS for the past 6 years, we hope that you will consider this your parting gift of gratitude for the experience your family has had at this amazing school. When your child joined JSIS as an incoming Kindergarten student, the JSIS community invested funds via the annual ask to make JSIS the best learning environment for your child. Now, as an active part of the JSIS community, we hope you will pay it forward and help ensure the strength and sustainability of this world-class program that has benefitted your child and your family.

For the families that will continue on to Hamilton International School, we know you recognize the importance of continuing the support of John Stanford as it is directly related to the future success and sustainability of the Middle School program.

Who sees my donation? I am concerned about privacy.

Donation details are only available to a small cadre of campaign volunteers that have all signed a confidentiality agreement. No donor lists are published.

I have a detailed question about the Students First Campaign. Whom can I ask?

Please send you questions to and a volunteer of the Students First Campaign will reach out by email or phone.

How to Donate to the Students First Campaign

The campaign to Put Students First goal equates to $1000 per student . There are many ways to provide your tax-deductible gift (JSIS PTA is a 501 c3 – Tax ID number 94-3084553). Make sure to use your company’s match program. If using your company’s match program please indicate this on the pledge form.

There are four different ways to donate; Network for Good, Cash or Check (preferred method), Direct Deposit, or PayPal Donate.

Donate Now Using Network for Good

This option allows for one-time contributions or recurring payments.

Cash or Check (preferred option as no additional fees are applied)

Drop your cash or check, along with pledge sheet, in the Students First Campaign Drop Box- OR- send in your child’s folder. Please remember to state if your contribution is being matched.

Direct Deposit from your bank account to the PTA’s bank account (no additional fees are applied )

This option allows you to provide your gift all at once directly from your account or to schedule recurring payments directly to the school. If you choose this option please still return the pledge sheet indicating your method of payment and commitment amount . Please also state if your contribution is being matched.

JSIS PTA (Bank America Account Information)

4057 5th Ave NE, Seattle WA, 98105

Phone: 206-252-6080

PayPal Donate (surcharge is applied)


  1. Click the yellow donate button below or use your phone’s camera to scan the QR code below
  2. Enter amount you wish to donate
  3. Click Donate with a debit or credit card to avoid paying a fee
  4. Enter name of Student and Grade
  5. Review and complete transaction

If you have any questions please feel free to email: