EScrip and PCC Cards
Fred Meyer
Link your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to JSIS PTA, and you will help the program earn a donation from Fred Meyer every time you swipe your rewards card! If you enrolled in this last year, you have to re-enroll . New and old users use the following directions:
- Visit the Community Rewards section of the Fred Meyer website.
- Click “Re-enroll or Link your Rewards Card now”.
- Sign in or set-up a rewards card account (set-up will only take 2 minutes).
- At the bottom of your account page under “Community Rewards” you will click Enroll .
- Find Your Organization. Type “John Stanford” and our school will come up. Select, and you are done!.
Ask a store clerk to enroll in the scrip program. They will give you a quick form to complete and a plastic card to swipe each time you shop there. Just check the box for “John Stanford International School PTA” on the back of the form.
PCC Pre-paid Cards
- JSIS PTA sells PCC prepaid cards for $50 each. You can purchase a card and then reload it at any PCC Market every time you shop. You can reload it for the exact amount of your purchase or add a dollar amount. The minimum for reloading is $50.
- The PTA then receives 5% of all of your purchases at PCC, including 5% for your initial $50 card.
- Order Forms can be found on the JSIS eNews and can be dropped off in our box in the mailroom or emailed to Kay at PCC cards will be arrive by mail.
- The PCC program raises over $2500 each year for the PTA.