School Choice and Open Enrollment Information
John Stanford International School is an option school. For the latest information on school assignment plans, applying to option schools, forms, and more:
School Information Sessions and Tours
No RSVP is Needed. Please, parents only , no children.
In Person February 25th, 9 -10:30am at John Stanford International School.
2025-2026 Enrollment Info
Key Dates
Jan. 6 New registrations for 2025-26 school year begins.
Feb. 1 Admissions Fair will be held at the John Stanford Center, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Feb. 1-28 Open Enrollment School Choice priority applications will be accepted (tiebreakers apply).
March 1-May 31 School Choice late applications will be accepted (NOT eligible for tiebreakers).
April 22 Open Enrollment results will be available online.
June 2-Aug. 31 Non-resident applications will be accepted.
Aug. 31 Waitlists for the 2025-26 school year will dissolve.
Enroll your student and fill out an online School Choice form.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Open Enrollment Results Notification
School Choice results will be available online through the Assignment Lookup Tool by April 22, 2025. To use the Assignment Lookup Tool, please enter your student’s ID number and birth date.
Waitlists for the 2025-26 school year will dissolve on August 31, 2025.
If additional choice seats become available, waitlisted students will be contacted by Admissions in waitlist order, to be offered a choice assignment; families will have 48 hours to accept or decline the offer before the next student must be called. Please confirm parent and guardian contact information in the Source is current.
If you need assistance, please contact the Admissions office online or by phone 206-252-0760.
Dual Language Immersion Pathway
John Stanford International School (JSIS) offers a Dual Language Immersion (DLI) pathway in Spanish and Japanese. Students who enter the DLI program will be able to continue in that DLI program into the middle school and high school pathways, guaranteed (if they select that school).
Non-DLI students, with the right amount of language proficiency, may be able to join the DLI pathway in the upper elementary grades, or at the middle or high school level.
Learn more about the DLI pathways at John Stanford International.
2025-2026 Enrollment info for current JSIS families
Registration for 2025-26 for students new to Seattle Public Schools will be available online starting January 6, 2025. Open Enrollment/School Choice period is February 1 – 28, 2025. Enroll your student and fill out an online School Choice form at the Enroll tab on the Seattle Public Schools website.
Current families with incoming kindergarten students:
You must register your child(ren) through the online registration with SPS and then submit a School Choice form during Open Enrollment between February 1 – 28, 2025. Be sure to indicate on the choice form that your incoming kindergartner has a sibling already attending JSIS.
Current John Stanford International 5th graders rising to middle school:
- If you live within the Hamilton International Middle School boundaries, your child will automatically be assigned to Hamilton IMS.
- If you live outside the Hamilton IMS boundaries, and you want your child to continue with language immersion at Hamilton, you must submit a School Choice form during Open Enrollment between Feb. 1 – 28, 2025 indicating Hamilton IMS as your choice. This is an automatic guaranteed assignment if you apply during Open Enrollment.
- If you live outside the Hamilton International boundaries and you prefer that your child attend the middle school assigned to your home address, you do not need to do anything. Your child will automatically be assigned to that school.
Please be aware that transportation to middle school is based on home address. It is possible your child may not be eligible for school bus transportation to and from middle school. If you are in middle or high school and live outside of the school service area you will receive an Orca Card.
Current students thinking about leaving to another school or program (for example, HCC or Spectrum Advance Learning):
Please be aware if you apply to another school and space is available at that school, the district will assign your child automatically during the first phase of choice assignments to that program or school causing your student to lose their existing assignment to John Stanford International. If you have any questions about this, please ask us before filling in the School Choice form.
Families switching to a private school:
All records requests must be submitted to the John Stanford International office at least 10 working days prior to the due date. Please email records requests to johnstanford@seattleschools.org