John Stanford International Elementary

John Stanford International

Building Rental Information

How to Rent the JSIS Building

If your event is not sponsored by the JSIS PTSA or LSA, you will need to refer to SPS Building Rentals department for information.

All JSIS Building use requests by the PTSA or LSA must be completed at least two weeks prior to the event. Once the Building Rental Form is approved, LSA or the PTSA must enter the request into the SPS Building Rental System Master Library at least one week prior to the event date. All requests are first come first serve so there is no guarantee of space use until it is in the Master Library. Please complete steps below:

Prior to the event:

  • Provide event details to JSIS Principal, Sarah Jones in-person or via e-mail and receive tentative approval for the event.
  • Email or call the JSIS Office 206-252-6080 to see if the date/time is available prior to filling out the JSIS Building Rental Request form.

Complete the JSIS Building Rental Request Form:

  • Specify the date(s), time(s) and room(s) needed. Specify lighting, HVAC, and custodial needs. Please note your event may be charged additional fees for lighting, HVAC or custodial services. Please visit SPS Building Rentals for fee information.
  • Submit the Building Use form to the PTSA Ms. Sarah, and if using the JSIS Library, Ms. Kathleen,, for required signatures. Copies of approval e-mails will suffice for signatures.
  • Return completed form with approvals to JSIS office two weeks prior to the event date.
  • We will review the Building Rental Form submitted to ensure it is complete. This may take up to 2 days and then we will e-mail you final approval.
  • Once you receive the approval, you will contact the PTSA and have them enter it into Master Library at least one week prior to your event. Please confirm with the PTSA that your event has been entered. Once the event is entered in Master Library we will be able to approve it for SPS.
  • If you have questions on cleaning supplies, garbage bins, doors unlocked/locked, etc. contact our custodian by calling 206-793-0820.
  • Submit flyers and/or posters for your event to the Principal for review prior to distributing or hanging within the school building.
  • When hanging posters within the school please stop by the JSIS Office and they will provide paint safe tape to use. Please do not put posters on glass windows of any exterior doors.

During the event:

  • If you are not hiring a custodian for your event, arrange to have cleaning supplies, garbage supplies, etc. You can ask the custodian in advance to see what items he can supply. SPS will charge a custodial fee to your event if the school is not left in original cleaned condition.
  • Adult volunteers should monitor hallways and stairwells to ensure the areas are kept off-limits.

After the event:

  • Ensure the room’s furniture is put back to it s original position and any folding tables, hallway tables, and chairs used are put back to original location within the building.
  • Ensure the room’s table and floors are cleaned and garbage disposed of in the dumpsters, unless you have paid custodial rental fees. The PTSA or LSA is responsible for paying for any damages or custodial fees caused by your event.
  • Inspect all hallways, stairwells, and playgrounds, and make sure trash is picked up and discarded.
  • Take down all posters and flyers in the building.