John Stanford International Elementary

John Stanford International
Balloon Drop

Balloon Drop Instructions

Instructions and Volunteer Info Previous Years

Instructions for Balloon Drop Parent Volunteers
September 23, 2016

Thank you very much for helping with this annual event. Here are your instructions:

  1. Come to the staff room by 7:45 a.m. Friday, September 23. Label three black bags with class room number.
  2. Take the bags to the playground. (Kindergarten and 1st grade parents to the k/1 playground, 2nd-5th parents to the big playground). K/1 parents stand at the head of the class line against the building, 2-5 parents stand along the East fence (by 5th Ave) in class order.
  3. Students will bring you their entries as they arrive. When the first bell rings, and the children line up, walk up and down the line just in case someone has forgotten to place their entry in the bag.
  4. After the classes go in, take the bags up to the south end of the fourth floor going up in approximate grade order. You are welcome to use the elevator if you’d like. Go through the attic to the balcony over looking the playground. Mr. Pat will be there to direct you as to where to place grade level bags.
  5. Once the bags have been delivered, go back to the big playground. Some of you may want to stay and help with the actual dropping. Check with your student’s teacher regarding where they want the projects taken after the drop.
  6. After your class’s entries have been hurled from the 4th floor, collect them quickly, move out of the drop zone, and take projects to wherever your teacher asked.
  7. After the students have shared how their projects fared through the drop, please take all projects to the recycle dumpster in the truck load zone on 5th Ave, dismantle and sort.
  8. Scour the big playground for balloon bits and put them in the garbage.
  9. Return used black plastic bags to the staff room; please do not throw them away.